Counting ZZZs


Student Reporter

Mornings are more than just the sound of loud alarms, the smell of coffee, skipped breakfast and the consequences of last nights Netflix marathon. Mornings are opportunities to start the day off with good or bad potential depending on your sleep the night before.

“Fairly often I see students that are noticeably sleep deprived,” Michael Hart, director of Amarillo College’s radiography program, said.

“In radiography, as well with other health science professions, getting proper sleep can help you take better care of your patient in a safe manner,” Hart said. 

Often sleep deprived students say they find themselves making  simple mistakes due to exhaustion. 

“I stay up late hours after working two jobs to get my schoolwork done, because so much is assigned at once.” Shelbee McWright, a nursing major, said. 

 “Not getting enough sleep prevents me from doing what I want to do in a day. It does not impede my success, but it does change the margin by which I am successful,” Sam Malone, a business administration major, said. 

Dr. Jacob Price, an assistant professor in biological sciences, pinpointed how the lack of sleep leads to failure. 

“Your brain is like a big filing system. Everything you learn in a day goes in a file. Then that file is stored away when you go to sleep,” Price said. “If you do not give yourself enough time to sleep, then the file will not be completely saved. You end up not being able to remember what you learned.” 

Price added that adequate sleep and a balanced life are the key to success. 

“Study time, time with family, time with friends and time to sleep must all be present to be successful in college,” Price said.

The need for sleep doesn’t end with graduation. Experts say sufficient sleep is essential for many careers.

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