AC History Multimedia Coverage

Looking back at AC’s oldest buildings:
By Lyndsee Cantly: Amarillo College is full of rich history and a plethora of stories gathered throughout the many decades it’s been open. A good […]

The history of the West Campus:
By Brianna Maestas: “The health sciences division began in 1968 as the school of biomedical arts and sciences on the Washington Street Campus of Amarillo […]

A brief look at AC’s oldest buildings:
Reported by Lyndsee Cantly.

Former president reflects on 35 years at Amarillo College:
By Lauren Ebben: Amarillo College graduate and retired employee Paul Matney has been a part of the AC community for 50 years, and during that […]

The history of the Hereford Campus:
By Ivan Del Val: What started out in a wing of a 56-year-old elementary school, the Hereford campus of Amarillo College soon grew into a […]

The history of food at AC:
By Emily Hernandez: Imagine AC’s Washington Street Campus with a cafeteria. It’s hard to visualize now since there’s Chick-fil-A, vending machines and the occasional club […]

Put me in coach! A reflection on sports throughout AC’s 88-year history:
By Carter Hall: Long before Amarillo College’s current intramural sports program began, several intercollegiate sports teams played on the same courts and fields. AC sports […]