By Brianna Maestas:
“The health sciences division began in 1968 as the school of biomedical arts and sciences on the Washington Street Campus of Amarillo College. At that time, five programs of study were offered with about 100 declared majors and five faculty. In 1974, the health sciences programs were moved to their present location on the West Campus, and the school of biomedical arts and sciences became the allied health division. In the summer of 2011, the allied health division was renamed the health sciences division,” said Mark Rowh, dean of health sciences.
“Today, the health sciences division offers 20 programs of study with approximately 1800 declared majors. Faculty members are veterans in their professional disciplines and possess appropriate academic degrees along with national and/or state credentials to support the subjects they teach,” said Rowh.
The campus not only offers lecture halls but also labs with up to date technology for the medical students to be able to work hands-on, this along with the campus proximity to the hospitals allows for the students to practice in an environment that simulates real-life situations.
“I like that the campus has everything that the students need in one place so that they do not have to worry about driving from one place to another, this way everyone on campus is in the same field and generally has the same goal. This helps the students get a real feel of what their future will be like,” Ana Prieto, a general studies major, said.
According to Rowh, to assure student success, the West Campus continuously evolves to keep up with the ever-changing medical field and provide the students with up-to-date techniques and material.
“We are very proud of what we offer in the health sciences, and our partners rely on us to stabilize the workforce with qualified and highly educated health professionals,” said Rowh.
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