By MARISSA RIVERA, Staff Reporter |
Amarillo College nursing majors have achieved a 100 percent pass rate on an important state licensing exam.
The exam is called The National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN exam). The test is given to determine if it is safe for students to begin practice as an entry-level practical/vocational nurse.
Nursing students attend classes on the West Campus. LaVon Barrett, director of nursing, said she recognizes the hard work students put into their course work.
“They all take the same classes all the way through the program. So, they are very supportive of one another, and ultimately become like a family,” Barrett said.
Barrett said she encourages students to study together. Jake Gonzales, a registered nursing major, agrees that it is helpful to study in groups every day.
Batula Abdullahi, a student in the licensed vocational nursing program, said her goal is to study six hours a day.
Due to her work schedule, she said she tries to study every moment she can fit in so she can feel prepared for her nursing exams.
“Our pass-rate is highly significant of a stellar program. Our students can be very proud of their hard work and completion rate. It takes 100 percent effort of the part of every student and every faculty member,” Barrett said.
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