By JAKE DAY, Staff Reporter |
The plans for renovating Amarillo College’s Downtown Campus focus on innovation. The remodeling proposals focus on improving and installing new technology and building a facility to be known as the Innovation Hub.
The idea behind the Innovation Hub is to encourage the creation of local businesses and jobs through the use of robotics and other engineering creations or “innovations.”
“The Innovation Hub will be open to the public and designed similar to a makerspace,” Wesley Condray-Wright, director of communications and marketing, said. “There are plans for 3D printers as well as space to work on robotics.”
AC officials say this proposed facility is projected to have a high impact on the community and businesses that use it.
“The Innovation Hub is AC’s investment in the future of the community,” Mark Nair, a business administration instructor, said. “The only significant way for economies to grow and add new jobs and opportunities is through technological advancement.
The Innovation Hub should both inspire new businesses to grow and hire as well as help current businesses in the community expand and hire new people.”
The Hub may house robotics and engineering-based technology. Artificial Intelligence, drones, 3-D printing and chip printing are possible technologies that could be on site, college officials said.
AC leaders say they are waiting to see the outcome of the bond election before finalizing plans for this facility.
“The Innovation Hub is more conceptual,” Steven Smith, vice president for business affairs, said. “It will be open to the community and could help better businesses.”
“We want to create an opportunity for businesses to implement technology and so people of the community can learn about the technology.”
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