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History is repeating itself

October 3, 2014 The Ranger 0

Unless you have been living under a rock, you probably are aware of what is going on in Ferguson, Missouri. Let me give you a little hint: HISTORY. Just …

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WARNING: Limited textbooks available

September 25, 2014 The Ranger 0

They’re one of most costly requirements of higher education: textbooks.
Most times, getting them at Amarillo College is a smooth, no-thought-needed endeavor. You take your course list to the bookstore, wait in line, get help from a clerk and check out.But this semester…

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Position changes for faculty announced

September 11, 2014 The Ranger 0

AC’s new president isn’t the only major change for the school. Some faculty changes have been made. Look for more on the following people in
future editions of The Ranger. New professional titles, new department chairs, and new program coordinators have also been released.