By Rylee Moore
As the school year comes to a close, I’ve been reflecting on my time at Amarillo College. This year alone has had a huge impact on my life. I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone over and over and grown because of it.
Starting at AC was the best decision I could have made. I’m more prepared for a bigger university because of my experience here and I still have a whole semester left to continue to improve before I transfer.
The opportunities I’ve been given are unmatched. I’ve been able to travel, make new friends and make lifelong connections and memories. AC truly perpetuates success and invests in its students.
Being the editor of this newspaper allowed me to build skills that I’ll use for the rest of my life. I got to be in rooms with amazing people and make connections that I would have never had. I got to have some impactful conversations and get new perspectives. I made a name for myself and it made me more confident in myself and my abilities.
I want to thank the staff of “The Ranger” for growing with me and producing this amazing paper together. I couldn’t have done it without their dedication and support. I also want to thank Jill Gibson and Maddisun Fowler, our student media advisers, for roping me in and not letting go. I wasn’t sure how this would go, but your belief in me gave me the confidence I needed to make it happen.
I want to encourage every student to make the most out of their college experience by being involved. Join clubs, go to the events that are held and get out of your comfort zone. There are numerous opportunities waiting for someone who’s willing to seek them out. This is the time to find your passion.
I joined Phi Theta Kappa, Student Media, Sigma Kappa Delta and the Presidential Scholars on a whim, but I wouldn’t be who I am today if I hadn’t. I gained some amazing supporters who have pushed me to reach my full potential and couldn’t be more excited about my successes.
Most importantly, I learned to soak up every minute of this life. We’re here for a finite amount of time and what you do with it matters. Decide what legacy you want to leave behind, live without regrets and lead with love. I can’t wait to see the blessings next semester brings.
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