By Karla Salazer
Student Reporter
Students at Amarillo College can access online tutoring programs to help them with their coursework.
Director of Student Learning Support, Jeannie George, said, “Online and in person tutor support ensures each and every student is set up for success here at AC. We love to see our students complete their course successfully, finish their semesters as planned, and graduate as they dreamed.”
George continued explaining what the online tutoring services offer. “Smarthinking offers 24/7 online tutor support, but all of our Academic Success Centers offer virtual appointments too,” George said. “Online and in-person tutor support ensures each and every student is set up for success. We love to see our students complete their course successfully, finish their semesters as planned and graduate as they dreamed. It’s free and easily accessible. Even if you’re in an online course, you can still come on campus to study in our great spaces and work in person with the tutoring team we have available, 83% of students that engage in tutoring will return the next semester. I love that our students are retained,” George said.
Students who used the online tutoring programs discussed their thoughts and experiences using the different programs.
“I think that online tutoring service is a great idea/service for those who cannot get to the school and especially for students who only take online classes at AC,” Elvia Ortiz, an education major, said.
“When I first used the online services, I was a little confused on how to navigate the website. Once I figured that out, it was easy to schedule an appointment, and I sent my paper for corrections and then was able to have a Zoom meeting to talk about corrections or what I needed to rewrite. I believe that you could also request who wanted to be your tutor, depending on the day you wanted to schedule your appointment. Overall, I had a great experience. I was to check in and spend time with a tutor one on one without being interrupted.”
Other students feel that online tutoring is an accessible and convenient tool provided for students.
“Online tutoring services are amazing to get any help in the moment that you have to work on assignments after the hours of the writing corner close,” Naw Ei Ei Nge, an education major, said. “I like to get online tutoring to get help when I don’t have any classes on campus. It gives me the same help that I get from any tutoring services center. It is easy to work on assignments by just typing.”
“Online tutoring is important because some students that do not have enough time to drive to the writing corner can get help right away,” Nge said. “For example, some students that take mostly online classes may not be able to come to campus to work on their assignments. When they have a quick question, they can just drop in the online tutoring and get help.”
Nge compared her in person experience with her online experience. “In person, you have to be in the tutoring center and doing the process of check in,” Nge said. “It also takes some time to be there like when you were at home and want to get help on some assignment that takes some time to drive there. Online tutoring is just going in and scheduling which day you want to work on your assignment. The tutor helps you for 30 minutes without any interruptions. When you are in person you can stay there as long as you want and get help on the assignment, but it closes around 5 or 8 p.m. Online tutoring is open until 11:30 p.m. Online tutoring services offer the same as writing corner. They help students with working on thesis, body paragraphs, check grammar, etc. They also offer Math, Science, writing, business, Nursing and health Sciences and Computers & Technology.”
In addition, George said each of AC’s eight Academic Success Centers offers a welcoming environment for students to study and receive academic support from peer and professional tutors at any time in person or online.
“Whether you need help breaking down concepts, reviewing for an exam or making sure you’re on the right track with an assignment, the Academic Success Centers are here to provide resources and encouragement,” George said.
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