Letter from the AC president

Amarillo College President, Russell Lowery-Hart Photo by ANDREW TERRY | The Ranger

Badger Family,

I am thrilled to welcome you to the Fall 2022 academic year. I know it will be one for the history books. To ensure your success, I strongly encourage you to meet your faculty, engage with tutoring, get involved in student organizations and use the Advocacy and Resource Center for any financial barriers.

Your faculty are central to your success and they care deeply about you. Using our tutoring centers is the greatest predictor of your graduation. Getting involved not only helps you build your network; it helps you succeed. And, Amarillo College is committed to removing any life barrier you may face. We are adding new supports for your mental and physical health this year so look for those options for you and your family. These are important choices to ensure your success.

Yet, we continue to face COVID uncertainties and pressures. The pandemic doesn’t change the choices successful students make. It does complicate these choices though. As you navigate your college experiences this fall, just be thoughtful about washing your hands. If you are so inclined, wear your masks as long as the local numbers rise. Practice safe distancing when you are able.

Our faculty are exceptional teachers and have worked diligently to create active and interesting course content and deeper learning. Our staff will work diligently to answer any questions that arise, or solve any problems you face.

Amarillo College is a great institution – one of the best in the entire country. Our faculty and staff care deeply about you. We want you to learn, build your skills, and prepare to transfer to your university or find your dream job. With your brilliance, hard work, and potential combined with AC’s deep commitment to your progress, we will navigate this new semester (and pandemic) like we do everything at the college – successfully.

Much love,

Russell Lowery-Hart, President 
Amarillo College

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