Staff Reporters
According to many Amarillo College students, the student life department makes an impact on their journey. Everyone there wants the best for each other and the student body as a whole. In the process, we make lifelong friendships,” Josiah Raab, a radiation therapy major, said.
Mackenzie Linpeng, a nursing major, said she has gained a great deal from her involvement with the department. “I was shy and quiet, now I am loud and outgoing. Memories are made, relationships are built. Everything we do is for the students, not only that but also to help our community,” she said.
A leading role the student life department fills is supporting student clubs. “They are really great, they help advertise, allow freedom to our club, including trips we are allowed to take as a group,” Elyi Marquez, the vice president of the Hispanic Student Association, said.
“Student life also offers social awareness events, such as Mental Health Awareness and Hispanic Heritage Month,” Miranda McHugh, the student life department administrative assistant, said.
Intramural sports is under the student life umbrella. The month of September is focused on flag football, with games at 5 p.m. every Thursday. The college will also hold a campus wide tag game called Gotcha.
“All participants will be given a photo of a random student and a can of silly string. Their objective is to find the student they have a picture of, and tag them with the silly string,” Trent Oneal, the intramural sports coordinator said.
Oneal said he is excited about the events planned, particularly since many of last year’s activities were canceled due to COVID. “Just the kids actually out here is exciting. I tried to do some virtual stuff last year but it didn’t work.”
The department has had to make some adjustments because of the pandemic. “Student Life very much cares for the health and safety of our students,” McHugh said. “We also recognize the importance for social interaction and engagement for many students, so we will continue to offer both virtual and in-person events throughout the year for students to attend the ones they are most comfortable with.”
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