To the AC Student Body:
Hello, my name is Justin Johnson and I have the honor and privilege to serve as your Student Government Association President for the 2017-18 academic year. I would like to welcome everyone to the start of an amazing fall semester.
SGA is a dedicated group of diverse students built to serve as the bridge between the students and the college. Members contribute as a group to engage students to become active leaders with a new energy to be involved within Amarillo College as a whole and the community. We provide entertainment and educational events, community service and make changes the students would like to see on campus.
SGA is here to represent the Amarillo College Student Body as a whole; if you would like to see anything on campus, from events to college improvement projects, come talk to SGA. We are located in the Burrow (CUB Basement). We love hearing about new ideas and having discussions on how to improve Amarillo College’s student lives on and off campus.
All SGA meetings will take place on the second floor of the CUB in the Oak Room, and they are held each Wednesday at noon. These are open meetings and anyone and everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in or attend a meeting, whether you’re a member or not.
We accept everyone. SGA has a little something for everyone so if you want your voice to be heard, definitely come check us out.
My office is located in The Burrow and my door is always open and welcome for you to come and chat. I can already tell that this is going to be a wonderful fall semester.
Remember, life is always an adventure, and success is an adventure with Amarillo College.
I hope you all have a great semester!
Your SGA President,
Justin Johnson
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