Students say Trump’s sexism no surprise

By LIBBY GIBSON, Ranger Reporter:

Donald Trump, Republican presidential candidate and previous reality TV star, has recently been publicly scrutinized for his sexist remarks and “locker room talk” videos that have surfaced, revealing that he has made derogatory and sexist remarks toward women.

While Trump’s remarks about women are coming to light in these videos, they do not come as a surprise to most voters.

Despite the media’s focus on the issue, the majority of voters are indifferent or complacent.

“It is extremely inappropriate,” Jo Moore, a nursing major said. “But I mean it doesn’t come as a surprise, because it is something that wasn’t unexpected. He’s known for not being able to bite his tongue.”

Although many news outlets primarily highlight women’s perspectives, it is not just women who find Trump’s remarks disturbing and revealing of his character.

“Sure, guys like to check out girls and talk to their buddies about them,” Merrick Tipps, a business major, said. “But as a presidential candidate, you have to be extra careful what you say. He says what’s on his mind, even if it is political suicide–that’s the thing with Trump. Some like him, some don’t. He speaks his mind no matter what,” Tipps said.

These statements from students reveal that the media’s recent focus on Trump’s indiscrepancies do not alter voters’ previous views of him.

According to professor and biology department chair, Claudie Biggers, Trump’s behavior is a symptom of a larger societal problem.

“This issue is not new or isolated to Donald Trump,” said Biggers. “The majority of women fall victim to this type of lewd verbiage on a regular basis. The incidence of such treatment is lessening because the number of women becoming educated and promoting into leadership roles in the work place outnumbers men.”

The issue of Trump’s behavior and language does not change how AC students and employees feel about him as an individual and a candidate.

The female vote and allegations against Trump do not affect the outcome, because Trump’s behavior is in line with his past. Students said that Trump’s remarks, although repulsive, are consistent with his character and do not come as a surprise.

Biggers added that “Educated females dominating the workforce understand that comments like Mr. Trump’s can no longer be triggers to distract us from the true issues like economy, healthcare and education.”

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