By LIZ MOORE, Ranger Reporter:
The importance of consent was the focus of a talk given by Sexologist Dr. Justine Marie Shuey on Tuesday, Oct. 11. By teaching students that an “affirmative, enthusiastic ‘yes!’ means yes,” Shuey flipped the script on the usual message of ‘no means no.’
The presentation was aimed at eliminating misinformation and enhancing awareness.
With no holds barred, Shuey forewent the awkwardness and dove straight into the real issues. She talked about the five circles of sensuality, the three stages of falling in love and what it means to be in a healthy relationship before she said that consent is not sexy-it’s mandatory.
“It taught me things that I didn’t know and how to respect myself more and what to do in relationships from now on,” said Bianca Johnson, LVN major.
While talking about how to have a healthy relationship, Shuey included the signs and symptoms of relationship violence, which is not just limited to physical violence, it also ties into verbal and emotional abuse.
“It showed me some interesting abuse signs that I didn’t know were abuse signs because they’re more low-key,” said Melissa Boyd, an LVN major.
Shuey got started on this track as an undergraduate student. “When I discovered sexology was a thing as an undergrad, I knew this was what I wanted to do,” she said. “So I finished my bachelors and went to graduate school to get a masters in human sexuality education, then a doctorate in human sexuality.”
“I liked that she was close to our age and she tried to relate to us,” said Boyd.
Shuey’s presentation also touched on the topic of relationships. She talked about how to compromise and be supportive.
“It really helped me figure out an answer to some questions I might have in the future,” said Barbra Walker, mass media major.
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