March 28, 2012
By KENDAL KUEHLER | Ranger Reporter

AMARILLO COLLEGE’S Seniors’ College offers hands-on training in art and computer courses that are designed for people age 50 and older.
The Continuing Education Division offers nine arts and crafts classes and four computer classes on the Polk Street Campus.
The classes are specifically designed for the benefit of senior citizens with the hands-on training that helps keep them moving.
“It is important because it gets them out of the house to have fun and gain new skills,” said Cathy Massey, senior art program coordinator.
Massey said many of the seniors enrolled are retired and that the classes give them an opportunity to get out of their homes and do something constructive while being around others who have the same interests.
Art classes offered in the program include acrylic painting, China painting, drawing, beginning and intermediate oil painting, portrait painting and charcoal drawing, watercolor painting and beginning and intermediate woodcarving.
The art classes cost $48 per class per semester.
Students are required to furnish their own supplies. A supply list for each class is available at the Polk Street Campus in room 123.
Computer classes include an introductory computer concepts class, an “Exploring the Internet” class and introductory courses to Microsoft Office Suite programs Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
The computer classes cost $43 per class per semester.
“My favorite thing about Seniors’ College are the instructors and the people,” said Lois Cheatheam, a senior art student.
“All the friendship is here.”
Cheatheam said this is her third year in Seniors’ College. She enrolled in her first class because she wanted to get back into art.
Another student this spring is Patricia Brown, who has been attending for 10 years and said she still enjoys it.
“Everyone is really supportive and wonderful,” said Charlotte Clayburn, a student who has been attending off and on for eight years.
The program offers seniors the opportunity to gain or improve skills and a relaxed environment where they can build friendships.
Most of the students in the drawing class said they enjoy attending class not just for the art, but also for each other.
Senior citizens can register for classes in the program online, by mail or fax or in person.
For more information on Seniors’ College, call (806) 371-2922 or visit www.actx.edu/ce/index.php.
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