Students sign up for a variety of teams
By Miranda Parman
Flag football is plays like a league with a draft. The draft is this evening at 5 p.m. Several games will be play and will ultimately climax in a championship. Boys and girls have separate leagues. There is a team assembled after the championship and they will travel Nacogdoches for a flag football tournament at that will be held at Stephen F. Austin University.
Soccer is a class that is open to students who want to play intramurals. They meet Tuesday and Thursday at 1:30 p.m. in the Carter Fitness Center all semester.
In October there will be a co-ed volleyball league beginning. Until then, there is a class on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1:30 p.m. in the CFC. This class is open to all student who wish to play. People start showing up at noon.
Dodge ball is one big tournament the first of December. A bunch of smacking people with little foam balls on a winter afternoon, how pleasant.
Tennis needs more people to be able to form a tournament.
Mondays and Wednesdays there will be basketball at the CFC from noon to 2 p.m. This will continue until the 30th of November. On Tuesday, November 15th there will be a co-ed basketball tournament.
Saturday, October 22 there is a 5K scholarship run. This is open to all students. The run also needs bikers to ride along the route to check on the runners.
Originally published: Thursday, September 1, 2011
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