Newest sorority chapter hosts ice cream social on Washington Street Campus
By Ranger Staff
Seventy-three women attended the Beta Sigma Phi ice cream social Sept. 1 at the Washington Street Campus cafeteria.
The sorority’s first meeting to elect officers and discuss dues and fundraisers will be scheduled according to what is most convenient for those interested.
For information on how to pledge, contact Michelle Orcutt at 371-5190 or mkorcutt@actx.edu or Dr. Claudie Biggers at 371-5268 or cjbiggers@actx.edu.
Beta Sigma Phi began in 1931. It was created for women that wanted social contact, self-development and spiritual fulfillment. The vision of the founding members has captured the imagination of generations of women since then, offering them new friends, a way to help others and a means for breaking away from routine and enriching their lives. We are the largest organization of our kind in the world.
Beta Sigma Phi means many things to many women. To some, it means a richer social life, from informal get-togethers to gala affairs that often include families. To others, it means adventures of the mind through direct participation in fascinating cultural programs. To still others, it means the inner satisfaction of service to their community, their nation and the world. To all of its members, each in her own way, Beta Sigma Phi has become an important ongoing instrument for self-involvement.
After 75 years of success and growth, there are over 165,000 members in approximately 12,000 chapters in over 15 countries around the globe. Beta Sigma Phi women an opportunity to grow both in mind and in spirit.
Pledge this fall so you can develop friendships and deepen learning through the chapter programs and philanthropy done throughout the communities.
-Contributed by Dr. Claudie Biggers
Originally published: Thursday, September 1, 2011
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