Student Reporter
“The Book of Boba Fett” is a Disney Plus original series set in the Star Wars universe starring Temuera Morrison as the titular Boba Fett and, to be honest, it is equally awesome as it is disappointing.
Ever since Boba Fett’s first appearance in “Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back” in 1980, fans of the franchise fell in love with the character’s unique design and moxie despite only having four lines and no major action scenes. Unfortunately, his next appearance in “Star Wars Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi” (1983) would see his ridiculous demise at the hands of a temporarily blind Han Solo.
Ask any fan of Boba Fett before 2020 and they would tell you that his death in this fashion was a complete waste of one of the best designed characters in fiction. It was only after his thrilling return in “The Mandalorian” Season 2 that Boba Fett was brought back into the spotlight alongside an announcement for a Disney Plus original series.
“The Book of Boba Fett” wrapped up Feb. 9, 2022, and the show overall is a mixed bag. With thrilling action, amazing cameos from other fan favorite Star Wars characters and an outstanding performance by Temuera Morrison and the other cast members, how could the show go wrong?
Light spoilers going forward, the biggest problem is two major factors, the first being a lack of organization with its plot and the second is the fact that the writers don’t even use Fett in two out of the seven episodes in favor of focusing on “The Mandalorian” from the Star Wars show of the same name.
The biggest issue with the show is an identity crisis in which the show completely forgets who their main character is for two episodes and instead focuses on a character from another Star Wars show “The Mandalorian.” For me, this is almost as shameful as Boba Fett’s original “death” because it shows that the writers either did not know what to do with the character or did not care enough to keep him in the spotlight.
To make things even more complicated, about a third of the show is focused on flashbacks that feel sort of forced to transition the character from a villain to a sort of hero. These flashbacks are scattered throughout the course of the seven episodes but really don’t make a lot of sense until about episode four. Even then confusion still lingers and not really in an artistic way for the sake of mystery.
While “The Book of Boba Fett” is a mess, the positives of the show are really a sight to behold. The show is a fun watch with a lot of great moments that will have your jaw hitting the ground in amazement. Overall, I’d give this show a 6.5 out of 10.
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