Moore County Campus students kick off the 2014 spring semester with entertainment at the new Student Activity Center.

Moore County Campus students kick off the 2014 spring semester with entertainment at the new Student Activity Center.
By Vanessa Garcia
News Editor
Construction on the Amarillo College Moore County Campus in Dumas has been completed, and the Career and Technical Training Center building and the Student Activity Center are up and ready for the semester.
The Career and Technical Training Center building, located at Highway 287 and Success Boulevard, has 30,000 square feet of classrooms, labs and shops.
Career and technical programs offered in the new building range from wind energy and instrument and control technology to industrial maintenance technology.

Moore County Campus students kick off the 2014 spring semester with entertainment at the new Student Activity Center.
Certificate programs and associate degrees are offered for those programs.
“It’s most important that we listen to what students need and bring in what the community needs and wants,” said Renee Vincent, executive director.
Danielle Arias, assistant director of continuing education and technical programs, said the Dumas branch expanded last fall with the construction of the new Career and Technical Training Center.
“Moore County Campus has seen a considerable increase in enrollment in the technical programs,” Arias said. “It’s the result of the new building.”
Arias said 55 students are enrolled this semester. Fall 2013 had about 40 students.

Moore County Campus students kick off the 2014 spring semester with entertainment at the new Student Activity Center.
He said MCC also offers dual credit for high school students.
Vincent said a few classes are offered online but that the majority of classes are hands-on, in shops and/or in classrooms.
Arias said classes also are offered in the summer so students can continue their programs.
A new Student Activity Center also was constructed at MCC.
Vicki Swiedom, an advising associate and a sponsor of the Student Government Association, said the SAC added a patio with windows and is open to students.
The SAC will have a main room with Xbox One, another TV, foosball, a desk with a charging station, a stage and a lounge area.
Swiedom said the second room, an enclosed patio, will have a pingpong table, air hockey, two lounge areas and a game table. Both rooms have a sound system.
She said students have been coming to the SAC gradually.

Moore County Campus students kick off the 2014 spring semester with entertainment at the new Student Activity Center.
“We have not finished getting all of the furniture, but most of the games are here,” she said. “All the furniture should be here by mid-February.”
Swiedom said clubs are welcome to use the SAC for game nights, open mic nights and other activities.
“All AC students are welcome to come enjoy the SAC,” she said.
MCC has three clubs: the People Engaging and Analyzing Christ Excellence club, the MCC Lions club and SGA.
Rachel Gillespie, a student support services data management specialist, is a sponsor of the PEACE club, which is a Bible study club.
Activities of the club are doing devotions, fellowship and testimonies.
The PEACE club’s first meeting was Jan. 29.
The PEACE club works together with the Lions club. Gillespie said that for Valentine’s Day, both clubs will make cards and bracelets to distribute to residents of Dumas nursing homes.
As for SGA, Swiedom said five SGA members will travel to Austin for a state convention in April.
Swiedom said students can get involved with clubs by attending club meetings. She said clubs are open to anyone who would like to participate.
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