StudentSpeak: Did having an adviser help you meet your needs? February 7, 2013 rangeradmin Student Speak 0 This week, students discuss their opinions regarding advising at Amarillo College. Listen to more students here. MARY PHONGPHRAPHANpre-medicine major“Yes, but I think advisers need to understand each student’s goals and limitations.” • TALANA POWERliberal arts major“My adviser was very informative and helpful in planning my classes.” NOEL SPAARengineering major“They’re helpful in choosing classes that transfer if you know where you are transferring to.” ZACHARY TAYLORrenewable energy major“Miscommunication with my adviser almost made me miss my chance to graduate this spring.” AdvisingMary PhongphraphanNoel SpaarStudentSpeakTalana PowerZachary Taylor