Ridley Scott hits it out of the galaxy, once again

Ridley Scott has produced many great movies and still is producing more, but I think The Martian is one of his best works. This movie is full of adventure, drama, suspense and humor, and I suggest that everyone go see it. Mark Watney, played by Matt Damon, gets stuck on Mars after his co-astronauts leave him behind not knowing if he’s alive or not. Come to find out, he is alive, and now he has to find a way to stay alive. Various science, engineering and media aspects come together to try to get Watney home. I definitely was not bored throughout this movie. Damon does a great job considering that he is the only actor on screen for most of the film. His scenes provide honesty mixed with vulnerability that really works.

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Though I’ve seen movies that feature Damon, I never really acknowledged his performance until now. His character is hilarious, always positive and always finding a way to make something work even when things don’t go quite as planned. I also enjoyed how his character can crack jokes in horrible situations. I give his performance a 10 out of 10 rating.Being close to two hours, the movie remains consistently interesting because surprisingly enough, it is optimistic. Even in the face of certain doom, Watney is a wisecracker, and seeing NASA’s constant efforts to bring him home makes the film hopeful. The other astronauts play a huge part in rounding the film out and pulling different emotions and connections they all have to and for each other. It is amazing to see how the bonds are portrayed on screen. Another thing the film handles well is the use of media around the world. Instead of it being just about the United States, the rest of the world is involved, and that shows a different dynamic. Knowing that everyone around the world is rooting for Watney really makes for a good addition to the plot. The Martian shows the importance of not giving up even if something goes wrong. It is an inspiration to see that you can find another way to solve a problem and to just keep going until you get where you want – and need to be.

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