An inside look of ‘Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth’

Entertainment Critic

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has been an exhilarating experience. I sunk over 140 hours into this game and still have not completed every objective, although, I have successfully taken down the final boss and seen the credits. The amount of content in this game is massive and I would recommend completing at least some of the side objectives as they yield an interesting story while others can be skipped and are not required to move the story forward.

One new thing I liked about this game is its dynamic difficulty setting where the game would adjust the leveling scale accordingly with your ability to play the game. I myself was hesitant to use this setting as I like completing games on a set level and found myself only changing the difficulty setting once for a mini-game and changing it back once I had beaten it.

Most people are complaining about how many mini-games there are but I enjoyed the mini-games and see no issue with them as many of them were optional and the ones that were not had multiple options to choose from to complete the objective. They only required reaching the minimum score where a completionist like myself can go back and play to reach the highest score.

The issues I had were with the menus and the lighting. When traveling around the map there would be many sections where I would transition into a dark cave or building and the lighting made it difficult to see for a moment until it had adjusted. However, this would happen every single time when going from a place that was bright to really dark and vice versa. This wasn’t really a big deal gameplay-wise, but it ruined the immersion.

The menu’s, however, played a large part in my frustration with this game as I had reached the final phase of the final boss and lost. Also when choosing where to start from I picked from the beginning of this battle which I thought would start me back at the beginning of the phase I was on but I was wrong. It started me at the very beginning phase of the battle. I was so upset thinking there wasn’t a way to start a phase over and that anytime I lost I would have to start over.

Luckily this wasn’t the case and I had just selected the wrong option and was able to continue from the final phase from that point on and eventually conquered the final boss but to even have this issue in the first place was very frustrating. The menu’s for starters, should not have so many options to choose from and the options should be clear and concise and tell you exacty where you start from. this might be a localization issue but as I can not read Japanese, I wouldn’t know. 

Other than these two issues, I found the game to be a great experience and I can’t wait for more. I highly recommend picking this up along with its prequel if you haven’t already played it. Sadly it’s only available for Playstation 5 but it’s prequel is available on PS4 if you want to start there. There is also a demo for the game that gives a good chunk of stuff to do and lets you experience a good portion of what this game has to offer and gives a bonus if you play the full game.

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