What your sign says about you
Student Reporter
Since the beginning of recorded time humankind has looked to the stars in wonder and mystery. The ancient Greeks and Egyptians all charted the stars and created the constellations we still use today. The stargazers of early times eventually began to wonder how these constellations, and their placement affected a person’s personality. Today, it’s more than likely someone has asked you, “What’s your sign?” or “What day were you born?” to find out your astrological sign, otherwise known as a horoscope.
Atrology has been around a long time. Tho earliest recordings of horoscopes were with the Babylonians. Early beliefs of astrology spread over the Mediterranean, becoming popular in Egypt and Greece. No one is exactly sure how much the placement of the stars really impacts a person. From checking your horoscope app every day, to not even knowing your own sign, the spectrum is broad.
At Amarillo College, students and staff members say they have found that it can be fun to look in to and entertain the idea of zodiacs in moderation, but they have varying degrees of trust in astrology and disagree about how much merit it might have.
“I know a good amount about horoscopes,” Gisselle Solis, a business administration major, said. “I’m a Leo and I think that zodiacs go with people’s personalities. I feel I fit the perspective of it.”
Solis says she also believes the stars impact her performance in the classroom. “I think it translates to my school work because I’ve read that Leos are procrastinators and I’m a big procrastinator. I also think Scorpios are really smart and ambitious,” she said.
Not every student is convinced or informed about horoscopes. “I know a little about horoscopes, and I think they matter in personality but I don’t think it matters for school,” Emma Boothbay, an architecture major, said. “Maybe some signs might be more prone to do better in school but if anyone applies themselves at school they can be successful,” she continued. “I’m a Taurus but I don’t think that it applies to my school work. ”
Not everyone is on the same page about how much faith they should put into astrology. “Some of my students are really into astrology,” Lesley Ingham, a speech instructor and the honors program chair, said. “They know their sun sign and moon sign and all the star placements.” Ingham said she isn’t sure if the stars are leading her students to success. “It’s hard to say how much it affects my students, I don’t know their signs, I really don’t get into that subject with them.”
Ingham says she pays more attention to how astrology impacts people close to her. “In my personal life, the three most fun people in my family are me, my mom and my sister-in-law and we are all Sagittarius. My late grandmother was too and she was a hoot. We are known to be free spirited and generous,” Ingham said, adding that Dr. Russell Lowery-Hart, president of AC is also a Sagittarius.
Regardless of whether you believe Libras and Scorpios do better in school and Cancers and Leos have more fun at parties, the end of the first eight week term is approaching. So if you are looking for guidance and hoping for a positive outcome, now may be the time to look to the textbooks instead of the stars.
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