Staff Reporter
Many people incorporate their pets into their holiday traditions with stockings, Christmas card pictures, and getting them presents of their own such as treats, beds, and toys. Personally, I never had any kind of animal growing up so we didn’t do any of those things with pets. We had a pet fish every now and then but it would die after a week of being home due to everyone’s busy schedule.
“I am super excited to be putting up the tree and decorating our home for my little family,” M’Kenna Styles, a nursing major, said. Styles said she grew up with dogs and her family would always get them a stocking and they would give the dogs presents along with dressing up their pets too. They also would get family pictures done with their dog in the Christmas cards to mail out, she said.
“I grew up with horses and cattle and we didn’t do anything special to incorporate them into our Christmas,” Cash Miller, a pre-veterinary major, said. Miller said he understands that the animals he raises are only here for a short amount of time since he shows his cows. He said he was raised to understand that cows are bought for meat to eat and other necessities.
When I was younger and I saw how people would dress up their dogs for Christmas or include them in matching pajamas with the rest of the family, I thought it was the cutest thing. I’ve always wanted a dog growing up but I couldn’t have one because my dad is allergic to any animal with fur.
This year, being my first year with animals, I plan to include my pets in every part of the holidays no matter how ridiculous my boyfriend thinks it is. I already have a stocking for them and I plan to get them little presets to enjoy too. I’m also very thankful they haven’t chewed up the tree or the tree skirt… yet.
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