Opinion by Nikki Larkan
If you have a problem with the way the country is being run, do something about it.
Facebook is flooded with political rants regarding legislation, the media is bombarded with issues before Congress and political parties are using current issues as a soapbox for their forthcoming campaigns. It seems like everyone has something to say, but few are doing anything other than complain.
First, if you are concerned about the country, vote. In 2010, only 27.1 percent voted in the midterm elections in Texas, according to Dr. Michael McDonald of the department of public and international affairs at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va.
Each year, a variety of positions are filled in government and local offices. Those are the people who help manage our country. They get their jobs from people who vote them into office. So research the people running for office and vote for the one who best represents you.
Think about it: When you go to a job interview, do most jobs just hire you because you are there? No. They make you fill out a form to learn more about the person they want working for them. They want to know your choice of friends and previous job experience. They want as much information about you as they can get.
Second, if you have concerns about what is going on, voice your opinions. It has been said on local radio stations and rumored on the Internet that one phone call, one email or one letter equals 1,000 voices.
I called a local representative’s office regarding that rumor, and they could neither confirm nor deny what one person represents; however, they did say that during a legislative session, phone calls are arranged by issues, tallied and tracked.
They added that everyone’s letter is read and that representatives will correspond back regarding each issue. The person I talked to declined to give their name and requested that I not mention what representative’s office I contacted but said all phone calls, emails and letters are welcome.
People are complaining about who is spending what and how money is being spent. I say if you’re concerned, be involved. Contact your representative about the issues that concern you.
Current issues in legislation regard budget and spending, the war on terrorism and more. For current bills before Congress, visit www.thomas.gov. To find out who represents youin Texas, visit www.house.state.tx.us.
Originally published: Tuesday, October 11, 2011
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