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N-sanity challenges most capable in fitness

February 18, 2014 Bailie Myers - Online Editor 0

Dozens of fitness classes can be found at the Carter Fitness Center on the Amarillo College Washington Street Campus. N-Sanity is one that many say is not quite like the others.

“Even the most fit people are going to pause,” said Trent Oneal, a physical education instructor. “I’ve seen fit people go and throw up on the first day.”

Hughes named AGN Woman of the Year

February 6, 2014 Bailie Myers - Online Editor 0

Linda Hughes, director of Amarillo College’s Conservatory Theater, is known in the community for many of her accomplishments involving theater, opera and more.

Now she possesses yet another title to add to many: Amarillo Globe-News Woman of the Year. Hughes was announced as this 2014 selection in the first newspaper of this year. The esteemed title has been given to many prominent people in the Amarillo community for 40 years. Joe Street, owner of Street Toyota, was announced as Man of the Year.