By Tashana Smith:
Being in college can be a very stressful job in itself, especially if you’re a full-time student, you have a full-time job and you’re a full-time parent. It can eventually take a toll on your health, on your grades and on your mind. At times, you feel like you have nowhere to turn. Well, there is a solution; don’t suffer in silence. There are many options that you can take to get help.
One in 12 college students make a suicide plan, and they rarely tell someone about it. I know this because I have been through this myself. I believe this is something that should be discussed more often, due to the fact that we have more young people taking their lives more and more every day. If only someone would have noticed the signs, or noticed they needed someone to talk to, then maybe that person could have been saved. They would possibly still be here on this earth.
Yes, this might be a subject that is hard for individuals to grasp and talk about with others, but I feel it should be dealt with. If you see people struggling with schoolwork, ask them if they need a little help. If you see them crying, just make sure they are OK. You never know what could be going on inside of their heads and who they need to talk to at that moment. Your words could change lives. If you know anyone in need, there are a couple of numbers at the bottom of this column that could be used for them to reach out to get that kind of help they need. Don’t just ignore it.
You never know whose life you might save, and you might be the only place they have to turn.
The Pavilion at Northwest Texas Healthcare System
1501 S. Coulter
Amarillo, TX 79106
806-354-1810or 1-800-537-2585
The Hope and Healing Place
1721 S. Tyler
Amarillo, TX 79102
806-371-8998 or 1-800-381-4606
-S.O.S. (Survivors of Suicide) Support Group 806-457-4993
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