By ADRIAN KEMP, Ranger Reporter:
Thanksgiving is right around the corner and Amarillo College is full of students eager to get a break from all the assignments and stress that weighs down in the classroom.
Some students are ready for the food, and others just want to watch the football games that will be on during the day, while others have to spend their day at work getting ready for Black Friday.
“I’m ready to go see all the family I’ve missed over the year,” Marcus Chavez, a biology major, said. “We don’t get to come together often because life and jobs get in the way, so it’s always great to gather around the dinner table, sit by your favorite cousins, aunts and uncles, and just catch up on everything that’s been missed, while bonding over a big plate of food.”
Thanksgiving is meant for people to enjoy their families and traditions such as putting up the Christmas tree, the lights and all the ornaments, but some people work on the holidays.
“I get to spend my Thanksgiving making sure the hallways are clear at Wal-Mart and all the merchandise is set up for display, being that Black Friday is the day after. I will get to see all the drama that the weekend will have to offer,” said Tristan Gonzales, an engineering major. “I just want to get the day over with and go relax and eat all the leftovers I can while lying in bed watching Christmas movies,” Gonzales said.
After Thanksgiving, many families spend the night putting up the tree and decorations to get ready for Christmas. “We don’t wait until after we eat to do all the hard work, we’d rather have all the women in the family stay in the kitchen and prepare the food, and let the guys, instead of standing around waiting watching TV, we all go to the garage and start digging for all the Christmas ornaments and start putting it up,” said Chavez.
The women don’t want to be stuck cooking all day long, according to Tashana Richardson, an education major.
“My family depends on my dad and grandpa to cook the food since that’s their passion, so the women get to go Christmas and early Black Friday shopping for ourselves and the kids while we put the men to work. Once they get back and we all eat, we gather the grown-ups so we can figure out our secret Santas,” Richardson said.
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