Thanksgiving goes beyond a cooked turkey

Ranger Reporter

The holidays are just around the bend, and Thanksgiving is coming up faster than we know. Turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie, warm sweaters, crackling fireplaces and days full of family and heartfelt memories waiting to be made.

While all those things are wonderful aspects of the holidays, there’s something much deeper that holds it all together. In light of that, several students shared what they are thankful for this year.

“For my family and my friends and being able to come to school, because a lot of people can’t come to school,” said Carmen Saucedi, an education major.

It’s in the way we feel when we see our distant family members for the first time since last year, it’s in the way our hearts light up when we give the cans of food or the pie crusts or whatever it may be to help the families who may not have a Thanksgiving without it.

“I am thankful for all the friends I’ve had over the years,” said Edwin Santillan, a music major. “The friends I’ve made, my family that’s supported me ever since I was born. God, for loving to make me exist. God’s awesome. I’m thankful just for living.”

It’s in our faith, our friends and the people we love who surround us.

Marco Valdez, a graphic design major, said he is thankful for his family support and much more. “I am thankful for the job that I have,” he said. “They work with me on my schedule. I’m just thankful for all the support from my friends to keep me going.”

It’s in the way we give a special thought and reverence to them and all the good and bad in our lives that makes us who we are and how we can develop thanks toward it.

“I am thankful for every day that I’m alive,” said Lauren Dennis, a photography major. “I’m very, very thankful for my family and my friends; they’ve always been there for me. I am thankful for nature in general, the universe; it’s a really, really great place to be.”

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