Ranger Reporter

Mixing school and life together can be a hard task to tackle. This week I asked several students on campus how they break the monotony of school life and what they do to keep school life energized.
“School can get very stressful at times, but I think one thing that keeps me going is meeting new people,” said Hannah Keat, a business major. Keat said one thing she usually does is drink coffee in the morning. Sometimes she eats doughnuts with her coffee, which seems to motivate her for the day.
One thing many students have in common on campus is music, which plays a huge role in helping students move forward day by day with school and the stress it can bring.
“I really don’t change much when it comes to my routine of school,” said Jeffery Daily, a criminal justice major. I” just listen to my music, which helps the day flow well for me.”
Another student, JP Bernal, said music helps ease the dullness of school, but he said that most of all, “having Christ” keeps him motivated.
Many students have discovered that a little change can make a big difference.
“When I have free time, I like to meet new people. It helps me to want to come to school,” said Ana Espanoza, a nursing major. One thing Espanoza has picked up lately is visiting with faculty and staff on campus.
One of the things I suggested was switching up regular habits. If they usually eat on campus during their break, then try a fast-food restaurant that’s near the campus. Another idea is for the coffee drinkers: switch it up with a warm cup of tea, which goes quite well with the fall weather.
Many students look forward to the weekend to have a couple of days away from school life.
“When I do get some breathing room from school, I like to go eat lunch with my boyfriend,” said Tiffany Denham, a general studies major. “It eases my mind for the day.”
Another suggestion was hitting the weights during a little free time. Students should try going to the gym on campus for a while. Exercising will cleanse the mind and give it something else to focus on.
Even though students get pretty bummed out from school, others aren’t bothered at all.
“I just come to school to take care of business and meet new people, but most of all I just like being here,” said Krystalin Lovett, an education teacher major.
Joining clubs is another way to get involved in something interesting. It gives students an opportunity to interact with other students and learn something new.
Hint: One way to get free time is to stay ahead and turn your work in early. That can earn students a little “me” time.
Whether you’re a part-time or full-time student, when enrolled in college, this is your job. Like any job, in order to stay motivated you have to learn to cope and like what you do.
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