Dream comes to life with hard work, inspiration from AC

Ranger Reporter

For many students, getting school over with as fast as possible is a top priority. Th at is not the case for Christy Schroder.

Schroder is a social work major with a minor in biology, and she recently opened up a degree plan for a minor in psychology.

“School is a hard-working, progressive state. But I can’t imagine life without school,” she said. “I love it.”

After completing her classes at Amarillo College, she plans to further her education at West Texas A&M University. Her goal is to receive a master’s degree in social work as well as continuing her biology and psychology majors.

“I want multiple degrees,” Schroder said. “I plan to be in a class every semester for the rest of my cognitive ability.”

Once she receives her master’s, Schroder plans to work for Child Protective Services and “change the system.”

This fall will end her second year at AC, and she plans to graduate in the spring.

Schroder said she decided to come to AC because it has been her dream to come back to school so she could put her children into a better social standing.

Schroder chose to pursue a degree in psychology because of her own “messed up family tree.” She said taking psychology courses has helped her understand herself and others better.

As for her reason behind pursuing a biology degree, Schroder said she always has loved science and is interested in all aspects of biology.

“I’m a very inquisitive person,” she said. “There’s something intriguing about knowledge itself.

“If I could know something about everything, I just might be satisfied. Th e day you stop learning is the day you mentally die off .”

Schroder’s friends are positive about her success in her future career.

“I met Christy through social work. We shared serial killer books,” said Donna Dinges, a social work major. “Yes, she will be successful. She’s a hard-working woman.”

Chad Fewell, a secondary education major, said he honestly believes Schroder will be successful in her career.

Schroder’s life consists of much more than her classes, however.

“I’m president of Psychology Club and of Finishers,” she said. “I’m treasurer/joint historian for Biology Club. I’m a CASA advocate.”

“I have a 12-year-old daughter and a 3-year-old granddaughter who’s special needs. She lives with me, along with her mom and boyfriend.

“Virtually, my life revolves around school, the household and CASA. But when I do have free time, I love hiking.”

Schroder said she also enjoys swimming and cycling. Though she soon will be moving on to WT, the thought of leaving AC behind displeases her.

“If there was a way to fi nish all of my degrees here, I would. Universities are great, but I’m not happy about leaving AC behind,” she said.

“Every one of my teachers at AC has in some way inspired me, but two have made every bit of difference in my entire world: Robert Moore and James Couser.”

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