Amarillo College offers study aids for Accuplacers

Students can get help online, in person

By Kelly Neill

Photo by Jacob Guerrero

Students whose skills in reading, writing or math are a little rusty may have to take the Accuplacer test.

“The Accuplacer is a test that makes sure you are placed in the correct level: basic, intermediate or remedial,” said Jenna Marion, Access Learning Center coordinator and a math instructor.

“Each test adapts to the students,” said Melissa Wilson, testing services director. “If they answer a question right, the next question is harder. If they answer a question wrong, the next one is easier.”

There are a variety of sites online that will help students prepare for the Accuplacer, including a free, smaller version of the test at

Amarillo College also has the Access Learning Center that helps prepare students for the test. A student can take a course at the center or buy periods of time there.

“Students must show up a certain amount of time a week, but they can spread the hours however works best with their schedule,” Marion said.

The rate for buying time is a $100 for 15 hours.

“The Learning Center has a one-on-one lab setting for students who aren’t getting it and need a slower pace and also allows fast-paced students to move through all three levels in one semester,” Marion said.

The Learning Center has about 450 students a semester, with 70 percent there for math. Marion said the center has a high success rate.

“We have about a 65 percent pass rate, compared to 40 percent, which is the state average,” she said.

The center is open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays, from 7:30 a.m. to noon Fridays and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays. In addition to the website and the center, another option will be available soon.

“Nov. 1, there’s an iPhone app coming out that will let students take a full-length Accuplacer test three times,” Wilson said. “Each time will be a different test.”


Originally published: Friday, September 23, 2011

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