Summer options frustrate:

editorial cartoon
Illustration by Stevi Breshears.

Staff Editorial:

Some days, college seems to be a never-ending barrage of classes. As you finish one fast-paced set of eight-week classes, another round is already barreling down the tracks.

The best news you could possibly hear when sitting with your adviser is, “Yay! You will be finished with your degree plan this coming May!” The worst thing you could hear is, “Well… it looks like you haven’t taken class XYZ and that class is only offered during the spring. I guess you’ll have to wait until next year to graduate.”

How infuriating.

What can be done? We are glad you asked.

We, the Ranger staff, believe it’s time that AC begin offering more classes during the summer break so that students can complete faster and with less frustration.

We realize that offering more classes during the summer is a tricky proposition.

On one hand, classes that were offered during the summer terms did not make critical mass due to low enrollment. On the other hand, major-specific classes that students need to graduate were not offered.

So, what are we going to do? How do we break this vicious cycle?

For starters, students need to let their voices be heard. As you look through your degree plan and determine what classes you need to complete your degree, you need to work together with other students and your adviser to let the college know that you want more classes added to the list of options available during the summer.

In order to be well prepared to let your school know what your needs are, using the new online student planner will help you gather the information necessary to present your case.

This new online planner allows you to schedule your classes for the duration of your time at AC and it also lets the school know what classes students need.

AC needs to lower the number of students needed for a class to meet. Smaller classes allow the students and instructors to have more quality time interacting and learning from each other.

The smaller class sizes also give those classes an opportunity to make that might not have enough students to meet critical mass otherwise.

We have to work together to find a solution to this summer dilemma.

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